Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bombay and Company

I recently spent a week in Mumbai. How and why is a good story; we should talk about it sometime. For now, as I'm sick as a sick dog, I'm just throwing in the photos.

Mumbai Madness

Monday, August 25, 2008

Not Photos of Mumbai

Photos of the city formerly known as 'Bombay' are forthcoming. But not yet. (We're on Indian time, clearly.)

For now, a small handful of digital pictures from Erik and Nat's first foray into solo camping (solo camping beside a car and hundreds of strangers, but solo camping nonetheless). In this adventure, our heroes:

-learn they are cottage people rather than campers;
-meet an old friend unexpectedly;
-spend money at the awesome Little Britt Inn rather than attempt a proper campfire;
-nearly run over painted turtles with their canoe; and
-buy tequila-flavoured beer but forget to drink it.

Kamping in Killarney

Friday, August 15, 2008

Don't Call it a Comeback...

... because, honestly, it probably won't last. After speaking with ex-bestfriend Rosemary J. Poole (we tried the long-distance platonic relationship and it was just too hard to keep things going), I realized I missed being on Facebook because I no longer can (a) keep tabs on far-away friends and (b) rant about nothing in a completely over-the-top self-obsessed manner.

Then I thought to myself, "Self... you totally can rant about nothing if you were only to resurrect your running blog."

Thus, like Jesus, Superman, and numerous other fictional characters, my Erik Runs Like Hell Blog has been brought back to life to save the universe.

Only now it has nothing to do with my running (or lack thereof). At least until next season.

We crapped out on both the stairs and the half-marathon (though we successfully ran the 10k). The moral of this story is if a goal looks insurmountable, just don't bother with it.

And hence, I'm trying to maintain a blog.

For now, dig the wicked-awesome photos of my recent summer vacation. Natalia and I went to les iles de la Madeleine. You should go too. Right now.

Îles de la Madeleine

I'm off to see Radiohead tonight, a friend turn 30 tomorrow, and SummerSlam on Sunday evening. Hurray for Santino Marella. But in between... I. Shall. Post. Something.

Or probably just go back to reading Journey volume one.